I own or work for a safari company that offers tours in Africa

About me

1.Love for Wildlife: I am enthusiastic about encountering wildlife in their natural habitat during safaris. The thrill of spotting iconic African animals like lions, elephants, and giraffes excites you.
2.Appreciation for Nature: I enjoy being immersed in diverse landscapes, from expansive savannahs to lush forests. The beauty of nature and the sense of adventure it brings are central to your travel experience.
3.Curiosity for New Cultures: Exploring Zanzibar allows me to delve into the rich culture and history of the island. From its spice markets to historic Stone Town, you appreciate discovering new cultures and traditions.
4.Desire for Relaxation: After the excitement of safari drives, I seek relaxation on Zanzibar's pristine beaches. Lounging by the turquoise waters, indulging in water sports, or simply unwinding with a book are essential aspects of your trip.
5.Love of Authentic Experiences: I prefer immersive experiences that connect me with local communities and traditions

My safari travel style: Middle of the road—I tend to stay in the main camps and lodges. It suits my budget and my preference for creature comforts, such as electricity and hot water.

Part of the team at: Bona Fide Tours & Safaris

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Has been on:
10 safaris


Safari guru

Last updated:
Apr 20, 2024

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