Redunca Safaris

6 reviews
Reviews: 6
Tour packages: 5 tours
Private, custom tours
Group, set date tours
Photos: 17
Main focus: Luxury
Established: 2020
Headquarters: Tanzania
Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swahili

Offers tours in

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About Redunca Safaris

Redunca Safaris has been set up by a passionate group of individuals with a collective experience of over 35 years with a knack in the safaris and beach holidays industry. This team is always on hand to make sure your safari is smooth and trouble-free right from the planning process, arrivals, and departure leaving you with nothing but exciting memories of Tanzania & Africa. Our core ethos of “Wildest, untouched Africa & its Magic” drives all that we do. When you travel with us you make a meaningful contribution to the preservation of our world’s cultures and wildlife.

About our safari vehicles

We operate our own fleet of vehicles which have been designed keeping in mind your comfort and peace of mind with reclining seats and individual charging sockets with 110/220 AC power onboard all vehicles, keeping your devices charged at all times. All guests onboard enjoy window seats and a pop-up roof for 360 degrees game viewing. All our vehicles are extended 4x4 Land Cruiser which are adaptable to all kinds of tuff terrain also equipped with First Aid Kit, Spare tires, Fridges to keep your beverages and snacks cold at all times and also fitted with awning canopy roof where you can park at the middle of nowhere for a picnic lunch. We also offer free Wi-Fi onboard at all the times.

"12 day private safari perfectly organized 12-tägige Privatsafari - traumhaft schön und perfekt organisiert"

Germany Germany
1 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Oct. 2020 Reviewed: Oct. 20, 2021 Submitted in:

As an experienced tourism expert, I normally don't write reviews, but I would like to share my experiences and impressions about this trip.

We did not book our 12 - day private safari through a German tour operator, but directly with Redunca Safaris in Tanzania.

The planning and organization by Godlove Shoo from Redunca Safaris was more than perfect, he was available at all times and answered all questions comprehensively.

Our route took us to Tarangire National Park, the Ngorongoro Crater, the southern and northern parts of the Serengeti and Lake Natron.

Due to the animal hikes, it is advisable to choose an appropriate location for the accommodation depending on the season, so the distances to the animal observations are shorter.

We had indescribably beautiful moments on our game drives. We were allowed to observe a large number and variety of animals up close, while Godlove introduced us carefully and professionally to the animals and he gave us enough time to observe every single animal scene. So we spent half a day just migrating huge herds of wildebeest across the Mara River, a spectacular scene.

The big elephant families bathing in the Silale swamps, leopards with their prey on the acacias or the many lions and cheetahs with their young are unforgettable.
But we were also impressed by the diverse and colorful world of birds, the mighty baobab trees and the seemingly endless expanse of the Serengeti. And last but not least, the friendliness of the Tanzanians.

You spend many hours in the safari car and cover long distances on often bumpy slopes, which makes it all the more important that the jeep is comfortable.
We were able to choose from a variety of free drinks, well-tempered by the refrigerator on board. Each seat has its own battery charging station. There are comfortable seat cushions and blankets for cooler temperatures, bean bags for stable positioning of the camera, identification books for the animal and bird world and disinfectants or wipes. We were even able to stream our music via Bluetooth and enjoyed some trips with subtle music in the background.

Don't forget binoculars, sun protection and good insect protection; a high proportion of DEET keeps insects away for a long time. We had bought anti-insect clothing or sprayed an impregnation on the clothes to avoid bites, as the mosquitoes can also bite through the clothes.

The radius of a game drive is much larger if you have lunch on the way as a picnic. For this, too, we had high-quality equipment with a camping table and chairs. Many safari organizers only have a lunch box with monotony wrapped in plastic. We enjoyed a very tasty three-course menu, which changes daily, and is served in fine crockery. As a result, we were not dependent on public picnic areas, but were able to enjoy the food in secluded, beautiful places with a good view.

A two-day stay at Lake Natron was a nice end to the trip and contrasted with the rest of the safari with the bird life and a barren landscape. In the camp, which is located directly on the lake, various activities are offered such as cycling, bird watching, river hikes to a waterfall or ascent to the sacred mountain of Ol Doinyo Lengai.

Many ask themselves when and how long should my safari be.

Many types of accommodation are offered, from camping tents with shared showers and toilets to luxury lodges with their own pool by the tent. Your own requirements for accommodation and the travel budget are decisive.
When asked about the best travel time, I would always opt for a trip at the end of the dry season, because for me good animal sightings and beautiful photos of the animals are the focus of the trip; both work better with low vegetation.
During the rainy season or at the end of the rainy season, you can see an impressively beautiful landscape with lush vegetation, but also only the heads or part of the body of many animals.
On a safari of 3 - 4 days you have a good chance of being able to see a selection of animals, including the big 5. For me it is not just a ticking off the animal species, but a privilege and enjoyment, the animals in different situations and without To be able to observe time pressure, and that works better, with every day of the safari that you have at your disposal.

A big thank you to Redunca Safaris and Godlove Shoo, for us the best German-speaking driver guide in Tanzania. We felt like we were traveling with a friend. He gave us unique and unforgettable moments.
The next trip goes to the southern parks of Tanzania and of course with Godlove from Redunca Safaris.


Als erfahrene Touristikerin schreibe ich normalerweise keine Bewertungen , über diese Reise möchte ich aber gerne meine Erfahrungen und Eindrücke teilen.

Unsere 12 - tägige Privatsafari haben wir nicht über einen deutschen Reiseveranstalter, sondern direkt bei Redunca Safaris in Tansania gebucht.

Die Planung und Organisation durch Godlove Shoo von Redunca Safaris war mehr als perfekt, er war jederzeit erreichbar und hat alle Fragen umfassend beantwortet.

Unsere Reiseroute führte uns in den Tarangire Nationalpark, in den Ngorongoro Krater, den südlichen und nördlichen Teil der Serengeti und an den Lake Natron.

Durch die Tierwanderungen bedingt empfiehlt sich je nach Jahreszeit einen entsprechenden Standort für die Unterkunft zu wählen, dadurch sind die Wege kürzer zu den Tierbeobachtungen.

Auf unseren Pirschfahrten hatten wir unbeschreiblich schöne Momente. Wir durften eine große Anzahl und Vielfalt an Tieren aus nächster Nähe beobachten, dabei hat uns Godlove behutsam und professionell an die Tiere herangeführt und er gab uns genügend Zeit zur Beobachtung jeder einzelnen Tierszene. So verbrachten wir einen halben Tag nur mit der Migration riesiger Gnuherden über den Marafluss, eine spektakuläre Szenerie.

Unvergesslich sind uns die großen Elefantenfamilien beim Baden in den Silale Sümpfen oder Leoparden mit ihrer Beute auf den Akazien oder die vielen Löwen und Geparden mit ihren Jungtieren.
Aber auch die vielfältig bunte Vogelwelt, die mächtigen Baobab Bäume oder die scheinbar unendliche Weite der Serengeti haben uns beeindruckt. Und nicht zuletzt die Freundlichkeit der Tansanier.

Man verbringt viele Stunden im Safari Auto und legt lange Strecken auf oft holprigen Pisten zurück, umso wichtiger ist eine komfortable Ausstattung des Jeeps.
Wir konnten aus einer Vielzahl an kostenfreien Getränken auswählen, gut temperiert durch den Kühlschrank an Bord. Jeder Sitz hat eine eigene Akku - Ladestation. Es gibt bequeme Sitzkissen und Decken für kühlere Temperaturen, Bohnensäckchen zum stabilen Platzieren der Kamera, Bestimmungsbücher für die Tier- und Vogelwelt und Desinfektionsmittel bzw. -tücher. Wir konnten sogar unsere Musik via Bluetooth streamen und genossen manche Fahrt mit dezenter Musik im Hintergrund.

Fernglas, Sonnenschutz und guten Insektenschutz nicht vergessen; ein hoher Anteil an DEET hält Insekten lange fern. Wir hatten Anti-Insekten-Bekleidung gekauft bzw eine Imprägnierung auf die Kleider aufgesprüht, um Stiche zu vermeiden , da die Mücken auch durch die Kleidung stechen können.

Der Radius einer Pirschfahrt wird wesentlich größer, wenn man das Mittagessen unterwegs als Picknick einnimmt. Auch dafür hatten wir eine hochwertige Ausstattung mit Campingtisch und -stühlen dabei. Bei vielen Safari Veranstaltern gibt es nur eine Lunchbox mit Plastik verpacktem Einerlei. Wir genossen ein täglich wechselndes und sehr schmackhaftes drei Gänge Menü, in feinem Geschirr serviert. Dadurch waren wir nicht auf öffentliche Picknickplätze angewiesen, sondern konnten an einsam schönen Plätzen das Essen mit guter Aussicht genießen.

Ein zweitägiger Aufenthalt am Lake Natron war ein schöner Abschluss der Reise und stellte mit der Vogelwelt und einer kargen Landschaft einen Kontrast zur übrigen Safari dar. Im Camp, welches direkt am See liegt, werden diverse Aktivitäten angeboten wie Radfahren, Vogelbeobachtungen, Flusswanderung zu einem Wasserfall oder Aufstieg auf den heiligen Berg Ol Doinyo Lengai.

Viele stellen sich die Frage, wann und wie lange soll meine Safari sein.

Bei den Unterkünften werden viele Varianten angeboten , vom mitgeführten Campingzelt mit gemeinschaftlich genutzten Duschen und Toiletten bis hin zur Luxuslodge mit eigenem Pool am Zelt. Da entscheidet der eigene Anspruch an die Unterkunft und das Reisebudget.
Bei der Frage nach der besten Reisezeit würde ich mich immer wieder für eine Reise am Ende der Trockenzeit entscheiden, da für mich gute Tiersichtungen und schöne Fotos der Tiere im Vordergrund der Reise stehen; beides gelingt bei niedriger Vegetation besser.
Zur Regenzeit oder am Ende der Regenzeit sieht man eine beeindruckend schöne Landschaft mit üppiger Vegetation, aber von vielen Tieren eben auch nur die Köpfe oder einen Teil des Körpers.
Bei einer Safari von 3 - 4 Tagen hat man gute Chancen eine Auswahl an Tieren sehen zu können , auch die big 5. Für mich ist es aber nicht nur ein Abhaken der Tierarten, sondern ein Privileg und Genuss, die Tiere in unterschiedlichen Situationen und ohne Zeitdruck beobachten zu dürfen, und das gelingt besser, mit jedem Safaritag mehr, den man zur Verfügung hat.

Ein großes Dankeschön an Redunca Safaris und Godlove Shoo, für uns der beste deutschsprachige driver guide in Tansania. Wir hatten das Gefühl mit einem Freund unterwegs zu sein. Er hat uns einzigartige und unvergessliche Momente beschert.
Die nächste Reise geht in die südliche Parks von Tansania und natürlich mit Godlove von Redunca Safaris.

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
1 Person gave this
a kudu

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By: None
Germany Germany
Countries visited:
Visited: Oct. 2020
Reviewed: Oct. 19, 2021

1 Person gave this
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"Unforgettable, 7 days Tanzania safari experience!"

By: KarenCC
United States United States
1 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Oct. 2021 Reviewed: Dec. 02, 2021 Submitted in:

Traveling to Serengeti, Tanzania was one of our bucket list to do last year, but due to the lock down we were unable to travel and so we decided this year should not end the same, and we MUST do this. So last year, we had previously researched on what company we should go with, but due to lock down we thought we should research again and rather book with a local company, where as I was scrolling through Facebook and Redunca Safaris caught my attention. It was through pictures of their safari vehicles with their previous clients.

So I went on researching them on google and sent them an email. Godlove Shoo customized a 7 Days Safari and a cultural excursion with a mix of both mid range and luxury accommodations, with their price being very reasonable.

On our safari we visited Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti National Park (Our main bucket list where we spent 2 Nights) and Lake Eyasi where we went hunting tour with the Hadza people, plus we were also shocked that they are still the only hunter-gatherer society remaining in the world up to date.

Our 7 Days Safari with Redunca Safari, was one of the unforgettable travel experience and it changed us through many ways.

We happily recommend any one who wants to travel to Tanzania, that should book with Redunca Safaris.

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
1 Person gave this
a kudu

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By: KarenCC
United States United States
Countries visited:
Visited: Oct. 2021
Reviewed: Dec. 02, 2021

1 Person gave this
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"This was more than just a safari! Excellent service/best guide ever."

By: ErinN
United States United States
1 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Nov. 2021 Reviewed: Nov. 29, 2021 Submitted in:

We were introduced to Redunca Safaris by friends who have been to Tanzania before and went on a safari with Godlove, the owner.

We we not sure on where best to go and how many days should we opt for, but Godlove advised us to be calmly and led us all the way from our first contact email, to our last day of the safari.

So according to our budget and time limit Godlove advised us and helped us plan and we ended up taking a five day safari, visiting Tarangire National Parks, 2 days at Serengeti National Park, Ngorongroro Crater and Lake Manyara National Park on all this park we managed to see more than we expected! and made our dream come true of seeing all of the big five.

And also Godlove went extra mile to advise us on the best accommodations based on our budget, we loved all of the accommodations and the meals we had all the way.

Lastly, on our last day after game drive at Lake Manyara National Park Godlove surprised us with a visit at the small local town near Lake Manyara (which it wasn't on our itinerary) where he had arranged a local lunch for us where we tested a lot of delicious local cuisines and locally made beers. Then, he took us for a cultural walk around on the banana and rice plantations before we departed to Arusha.

All we can say is THANK YOU, Redunca Safaris and you are worthy more than every penny we payed for. And if your looking for your next Tanzania Safari don't think even twice about going with Redunca Safari.

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
1 Person gave this
a kudu

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By: ErinN
United States United States
Countries visited:
Visited: Nov. 2021
Reviewed: Nov. 27, 2021

1 Person gave this
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"Amazing Kilimanjaro climb and safari"

United States United States
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Reviews (2)
Visited: Jun. 2021 Reviewed: Nov. 24, 2021 Submitted in:

I recently got back from a trip to Tanzania with 2 of my friends and we had the most wonderful experience with Redunca Safaris. The planning with the company owner Godlove was easy and he was beyond accommodating. We decided on a 6 day Kilimanjaro tour and then a 3 day safari with a rest day in Arusha in between.

The trip up Kilimanjaro is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life because of how amazing it was. Godlove hired the best mountain guides (Prosper and Deo) and I could tell from the very beginning that we were in good hands. The first thing Prosper and Deo made sure of was that we had the correct gear for the climb. There were a couple of things that we were missing but we were able to rent them at a local shop. Fully equipped with the correct gear we started the climb. Our porters were the best and kindest people and our meals on the mountain were delicious. Our accommodations on the mountain were tents and every time we got a new camp, our tents were already set up for us. You could tell that everyone cared that we would have the best experience. We all completed the climb and I can say with 100 certainty that we wouldn’t have been able to do it without Prosper and Deo.

Once we got done with the climb we stayed in Arusha in a very nice lodge for 2 nights. After relaxing for the morning, Godlove took us into Arusha and gave us a private tour of the town that included a local market-absolutely incredible! Seeing the Tanzanian culture up close was amazing and I could tell that this is not something that you get with every company.

Our safari was absolutely perfect. The Serengeti is one of the most beautiful places on this planet and if you have a great guide like Godlove you get to see a ton of animals. We saw every animal that we wanted to see and Godlove’s knowledge of the animals, their behaviors and where the best spots are to see them made the safari perfect.

On our last day we stopped at a local village and got a private tour of the village with one of Godlove’s friends followed by a local lunch. The food was so fresh and delicious and it probably was one of the top meals that I have had in my life.

Not only is Godlove an amazing tour/safari guide, but he is also one of the nicest, humble and down to earth human being beings that you will ever meet. He made sure that everything was absolutely perfect for us and there wasn’t a single thing that he didn’t think of. I felt safe and well taken care of the entire time and know that I will book many more trips with Redunca Safaris in the future!

If you are planning a trip to Tanzania make sure to book it with Redunca Safaris. I promise that you will have an amazing time!

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
1 Person gave this
a kudu

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United States United States
Countries visited:
Visited: Jun. 2021
Reviewed: Nov. 24, 2021

1 Person gave this
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"12 day private safari perfectly organized"

By: manuela
Germany Germany
2 kudus
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Reviews (1)
Visited: Oct. 2020 Reviewed: Oct. 20, 2021 Submitted in:

As an experienced tourism expert, I normally don't write reviews, but I would like to share my experiences and impressions about this trip.

We did not book our 12 - day private safari through a German tour operator, but directly with Redunca Safaris in Tanzania.

The planning and organization by Godlove Shoo from Redunca Safaris was more than perfect, he was available at all times and answered all questions comprehensively.

Our route took us to Tarangire National Park, the Ngorongoro Crater, the southern and northern parts of the Serengeti and Lake Natron.

Due to the animal hikes, it is advisable to choose an appropriate location for the accommodation depending on the season, so the distances to the animal observations are shorter.

We had indescribably beautiful moments on our game drives. We were allowed to observe a large number and variety of animals up close, while Godlove introduced us carefully and professionally to the animals and he gave us enough time to observe every single animal scene. So we spent half a day just migrating huge herds of wildebeest across the Mara River, a spectacular scene.

The big elephant families bathing in the Silale swamps, leopards with their prey on the acacias or the many lions and cheetahs with their young are unforgettable.
But we were also impressed by the diverse and colorful world of birds, the mighty baobab trees and the seemingly endless expanse of the Serengeti. And last but not least, the friendliness of the Tanzanians.

You spend many hours in the safari car and cover long distances on often bumpy slopes, which makes it all the more important that the jeep is comfortable.
We were able to choose from a variety of free drinks, well-tempered by the refrigerator on board. Each seat has its own battery charging station. There are comfortable seat cushions and blankets for cooler temperatures, bean bags for stable positioning of the camera, identification books for the animal and bird world and disinfectants or wipes. We were even able to stream our music via Bluetooth and enjoyed some trips with subtle music in the background.

Don't forget binoculars, sun protection and good insect protection; a high proportion of DEET keeps insects away for a long time. We had bought anti-insect clothing or sprayed an impregnation on the clothes to avoid bites, as the mosquitoes can also bite through the clothes.

The radius of a game drive is much larger if you have lunch on the way as a picnic. For this, too, we had high-quality equipment with a camping table and chairs. Many safari organizers only have a lunch box with monotony wrapped in plastic. We enjoyed a very tasty three-course menu that changes daily and is served in fine crockery. As a result, we were not dependent on public picnic areas, but were able to enjoy the food in secluded, beautiful places with a good view.

A two-day stay at Lake Natron was a nice end to the trip and contrasted with the rest of the safari with the bird life and a barren landscape. In the camp, which is located directly on the lake, various activities are offered such as cycling, bird watching, river hikes to a waterfall or ascent to the sacred mountain of Ol Doinyo Lengai.

Many ask themselves when and how long should my safari be.

Many types of accommodation are offered, from camping tents with shared showers and toilets to luxury lodges with their own pool by the tent. Your own requirements for accommodation and the travel budget are decisive.
When asked about the best travel time, I would always opt for a trip at the end of the dry season, because for me good animal sightings and beautiful photos of the animals are the focus of the trip; both work better with low vegetation.
During the rainy season or at the end of the rainy season, you can see an impressively beautiful landscape with lush vegetation, but also only the heads or part of the body of many animals.
On a safari of 3 - 4 days you have a good chance of being able to see a selection of animals, including the big 5. For me it is not just a ticking off the animal species, but a privilege and enjoyment, the animals in different situations and without To be able to observe time pressure, and that works better, with every day of the safari that you have at your disposal.

A big thank you to Redunca Safaris and Godlove Shoo, for us the best German-speaking driver guide in Tanzania. We felt like we were traveling with a friend. He gave us unique and unforgettable moments.
The next trip goes to the southern parks of Tanzania and of course with Godlove from Redunca Safaris.

Als erfahrene Touristikerin schreibe ich normalerweise keine Bewertungen , über diese Reise möchte ich aber gerne meine Erfahrungen und Eindrücke teilen.

Unsere 12 - tägige Privatsafari haben wir nicht über einen deutschen Reiseveranstalter, sondern direkt bei Redunca Safaris in Tansania gebucht.

Die Planung und Organisation durch Godlove Shoo von Redunca Safaris war mehr als perfekt, er war jederzeit erreichbar und hat alle Fragen umfassend beantwortet.

Unsere Reiseroute führte uns in den Tarangire Nationalpark, in den Ngorongoro Krater, den südlichen und nördlichen Teil der Serengeti und an den Lake Natron.

Durch die Tierwanderungen bedingt empfiehlt sich je nach Jahreszeit einen entsprechenden Standort für die Unterkunft zu wählen, dadurch sind die Wege kürzer zu den Tierbeobachtungen.

Auf unseren Pirschfahrten hatten wir unbeschreiblich schöne Momente. Wir durften eine große Anzahl und Vielfalt an Tieren aus nächster Nähe beobachten, dabei hat uns Godlove behutsam und professionell an die Tiere herangeführt und er gab uns genügend Zeit zur Beobachtung jeder einzelnen Tierszene. So verbrachten wir einen halben Tag nur mit der Migration riesiger Gnuherden über den Marafluss, eine spektakuläre Szenerie.

Unvergesslich sind uns die großen Elefantenfamilien beim Baden in den Silale Sümpfen oder Leoparden mit ihrer Beute auf den Akazien oder die vielen Löwen und Geparden mit ihren Jungtieren.
Aber auch die vielfältig bunte Vogelwelt, die mächtigen Baobab Bäume oder die scheinbar unendliche Weite der Serengeti haben uns beeindruckt. Und nicht zuletzt die Freundlichkeit der Tansanier.

Man verbringt viele Stunden im Safari Auto und legt lange Strecken auf oft holprigen Pisten zurück, umso wichtiger ist eine komfortable Ausstattung des Jeeps.
Wir konnten aus einer Vielzahl an kostenfreien Getränken auswählen, gut temperiert durch den Kühlschrank an Bord. Jeder Sitz hat eine eigene Akku - Ladestation. Es gibt bequeme Sitzkissen und Decken für kühlere Temperaturen, Bohnensäckchen zum stabilen Platzieren der Kamera, Bestimmungsbücher für die Tier- und Vogelwelt und Desinfektionsmittel bzw. -tücher. Wir konnten sogar unsere Musik via Bluetooth streamen und genossen manche Fahrt mit dezenter Musik im Hintergrund.

Fernglas, Sonnenschutz und guten Insektenschutz nicht vergessen; ein hoher Anteil an DEET hält Insekten lange fern. Wir hatten Anti-Insekten-Bekleidung gekauft bzw eine Imprägnierung auf die Kleider aufgesprüht, um Stiche zu vermeiden , da die Mücken auch durch die Kleidung stechen können.

Der Radius einer Pirschfahrt wird wesentlich größer, wenn man das Mittagessen unterwegs als Picknick einnimmt. Auch dafür hatten wir eine hochwertige Ausstattung mit Campingtisch und -stühlen dabei. Bei vielen Safari Veranstaltern gibt es nur eine Lunchbox mit Plastik verpacktem Einerlei. Wir genossen ein täglich wechselndes und sehr schmackhaftes drei Gänge Menü, in feinem Geschirr serviert. Dadurch waren wir nicht auf öffentliche Picknickplätze angewiesen, sondern konnten an einsam schönen Plätzen das Essen mit guter Aussicht genießen.

Ein zweitägiger Aufenthalt am Lake Natron war ein schöner Abschluss der Reise und stellte mit der Vogelwelt und einer kargen Landschaft einen Kontrast zur übrigen Safari dar. Im Camp, welches direkt am See liegt, werden diverse Aktivitäten angeboten wie Radfahren, Vogelbeobachtungen, Flusswanderung zu einem Wasserfall oder Aufstieg auf den heiligen Berg Ol Doinyo Lengai.

Viele stellen sich die Frage, wann und wie lange soll meine Safari sein.

Bei den Unterkünften werden viele Varianten angeboten , vom mitgeführten Campingzelt mit gemeinschaftlich genutzten Duschen und Toiletten bis hin zur Luxuslodge mit eigenem Pool am Zelt. Da entscheidet der eigene Anspruch an die Unterkunft und das Reisebudget.
Bei der Frage nach der besten Reisezeit würde ich mich immer wieder für eine Reise am Ende der Trockenzeit entscheiden, da für mich gute Tiersichtungen und schöne Fotos der Tiere im Vordergrund der Reise stehen; beides gelingt bei niedriger Vegetation besser.
Zur Regenzeit oder am Ende der Regenzeit sieht man eine beeindruckend schöne Landschaft mit üppiger Vegetation, aber von vielen Tieren eben auch nur die Köpfe oder einen Teil des Körpers.
Bei einer Safari von 3 - 4 Tagen hat man gute Chancen eine Auswahl an Tieren sehen zu können , auch die big 5. Für mich ist es aber nicht nur ein Abhaken der Tierarten, sondern ein Privileg und Genuss, die Tiere in unterschiedlichen Situationen und ohne Zeitdruck beobachten zu dürfen, und das gelingt besser, mit jedem Safaritag mehr, den man zur Verfügung hat.

Ein großes Dankeschön an Redunca Safaris und Godlove Shoo, für uns der beste deutschsprachige driver guide in Tansania. Wir hatten das Gefühl mit einem Freund unterwegs zu sein. Er hat uns einzigartige und unvergessliche Momente beschert.
Die nächste Reise geht in die südliche Parks von Tansania und natürlich mit Godlove von Redunca Safaris.

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
2People gave this
a kudu

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By: manuela
Germany Germany
Countries visited: Botswana Tanzania
Visited: Oct. 2020
Reviewed: Oct. 19, 2021

2People gave this
a kudu

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"5 star, best Kilimanjaro and safari experience"

United States United States
2 kudus
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Reviews (2)
Visited: Jun. 2021 Reviewed: Oct. 19, 2021 Submitted in:

Traveling with Redunca safaris was the best trip experience I could have asked for. 12/10 would recommend!!

They provided the most authentic experience! We booked a private tour which included a 6 day climb up Kilimanjaro and a 3 day safari with a additional days in local towns.

It was so easy to schedule the trip. The owner Godlove worked with us directly to make sure that everything we wanted to do was on the itinerary. He was very quick to reply yo our many questions about the trip!

Redunca Safaris took so much time and care in the planning. They truly thought of every detail!

The mountain guides were so kind and knowledgeable about the terrain. They made sure that we were going to succeed in our climb. They checked our gear before we went and made sure to check in with us often to make sure everyone was ok in the changing conditions and altitude. They made us feel very safe, and help us complete the climb perfectly. The food that was prepared for us on the mountain is better than 5 stars!!!

On our safari We were able to see so many animals, and take some amazing photos! Godlove was so knowledgeable about the animals and their behaviors that were were able to be in the perfect position to see all the animals. Our guide was able to spot the animals from a mile away and they drive us over to get a good view. We saw over 60 big cats (lions, cheetahs, and a leopard) in just 3 days, along with many many other elephants, giraffes, zebras ect.

The lodges we stayed at were amazing. We appreciated the hospitality and the amenities!

Godlove organized a bike tour of a small village on our last day. We got to tour a rice plantation, a banana plantation, and meet some of the local tribes and have a wonderful lunch with traditional Tanzanian food!

The price that was quoted to us for our trip included everything. There were no hidden fees or surprises!

I cant imagine a better experience than we had with Redunca Safaris! We were able to see every part of Tanzania through our Kilimanjaro Climb, Safari, and bike tour of the city!

It was so relaxing to know that our guides through this process had taken care of everything! I highly recommend a Redunca Safaris to anyone planning a trip to Tanzania, and I can’t wait to plan my next trip with them!

Meet and greet team
Responsiveness of staff
Quality of itinerary
Quality of vehicles
Caliber of guide
Overall rating

Countries visited: Tanzania
2People gave this
a kudu

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By: None
United States United States
Countries visited:
Visited: Jun. 2021
Reviewed: Oct. 19, 2021

2People gave this
a kudu

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YAScore: 61/100
Based on 6 reviews

Overall rating
Cleanliness of vehicle
Meet and greet team
Quality of itinerary
Responsiveness of staff