Alyssa | Adjust Your Focus

Alyssa | Adjust Your Focus

I am a travel writer/blogger/Tweeter

About me

photographer, designer, blogger, traveler | animal + nature lover

Happiest when outdoors.
Love picnics, hiking, horseback riding and anything by/in water.
Always with a camera, always taking pictures.
Big supporter of “Adopt, Don’t Shop!” I rescued both my horse, Bailey and dog, Sammy.

The more I see, explore and take in while traveling, the more I am realizing there is nothing else that allows me to experience life as intensely and openly.

My safari travel style: Middle of the road—I tend to stay in the main camps and lodges. It suits my budget and my preference for creature comforts, such as electricity and hot water.
My website or articles:

Social media:
United States

Has been on:
3 safaris


Travel writer

Last updated:
Oct 5, 2021

My photos

I have visited these countries
I have been to these parks
Articles I have written