BearFoot Expeditions Safaris

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Reviews: 0
Tour packages: 0 tours
Private, custom tours
Group, set date tours
Main focus: Mid-range
Established: 2007
Headquarters: Tanzania
English, French, German, Spanish, Swahili

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About BearFoot Expeditions Safaris

Is a fully licensed tour company for Safaris and trekking throughout Africa with an emphasis on East Africa. It is owned and operated by Justin Mosha, an African-born native from under the roof of Mount Kilimanjaro. Our highly qualified guides strive to make every trip as visually stimulating and informative as they are safe. Language should not be a barrier to a great African safari. Our knowledgeable staff will work with you through the planning process to make sure your wishes are fulfilled.

About our safari vehicles

Bearfoot Expeditions started with limited safari vehicles, but over time has grown into a business of 10 Safari vehicles, three transfer cars & two trucks! Justin also owns a mechanical garage that services all his safari vehicles, so personally ensures they are in the best condition for your trip.!
YAScore: 37/100
Based on 0 reviews

Overall rating
Cleanliness of vehicle
Meet and greet team
Quality of itinerary
Responsiveness of staff